Connect with Katherine...

Contact Information (425) 572-2314

Dr. Skillestad Winans provides telehealth services only on a HIPAA-compliant platform to adults and couples residing in Washington State and the PSYPACT States. PSYPACT Map - Psychology


Crisis Resources

If you are an active client, I am happy to schedule an extra session in my next available opening, if appropriate. However, I am unable to provide on-call or emergency services.

If you are having a mental health crisis, please do one of the following:

  • Dial 911

  • Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988

  • 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

  • Call the King County Crisis Line at 1(866)427-4747

  • Go to the nearest emergency room

I look forward to connecting with you soon. Please enter your contact information and message, and we can meet for a 15-minute free consultation to determine if we are a good fit.